31 Aug
With a Water Leak Every 2 Minutes and Centrica Buying FlowGem, we are Reminded to use Technology to Stop Leaks in their Tracks
Water leakage in the UK costs us millions of pounds a year. According to The Association of British Insurers (ABI), £912m each year is spent in claims for residential water damage – leakage, not flooding. The average claim is £4,000 and there is a leak roughly every 2 minutes in the UK. If the...

07 Aug
A Smart Home is More Compelling for Your Customers to Sell or Rent – Find out More at Smart Home Summit this Year
There have been a couple of interesting articles based on surveys that have been done in the US, that show that people see a smart home ready home as more compelling to buy – and the same applies for short term rentals. One article states, “A new survey from Coldwell Banker Real Estate LLC and P...

31 May
Trends in Smart Home Security and Leaping Ahead in the IoT Category at TNW, Amsterdam
Presciense was invited to attend TNW last week in Amsterdam. There were over 1500 start-ups who applied, 150 of which presented to a panel of judges. Our category had 14 Internet of Things (IoT) start-ups and we won, so presented in the main show. The Internet of Things is a growing area. It is stil...

25 Apr
Presciense’s CSO is Appointed Technical Expert to the Technical Sub Committee of the SEC
Presciense is delighted to announce that its Chief Software Officer, Lee Crossley has been appointed to support the Technical Sub Committee of the SEC. The Smart Energy Code Technical Sub-Committee (TSC) has recently been established to undertake its duties as set out within the Smart Energy Code (S...

18 Mar
Presciense is Invited to Attend and Present at TNW Event, Amsterdam May 2016
Presciense is delighted to confirm that it has been invited to attend and present at TNW conference in Amsterdam. If you are going to the event, do let us know and look out for our presentation, where we will be talking about the Smart Home market and presenting a live demo of our integrated app...

07 Mar
Smart Energy Could save £8bn a Year
An interesting article in the BBC has hit the headlines today. It involves a great mix of bringing together a reduction in the use of energy – reducing our emissions, and benefitting home owners and businesses by a reduction in costs.In summary, it is about the UK moving to a full-scale, “Int...

19 Feb
Come and Discover our End-to-end Platform for Viewing all Smart Home Devices at MWC
Mobile World Congress (MWC) is the world's largest gathering for the mobile industry, organised by the GSMA and held in the Mobile World Capital Barcelona, 22-25 February 2016. It had a record-breaking 94,000+ attendees from 200 countries in 2015 and 52% are C-level participants.Presciense enabl...

07 Jan
Dr Gerd Busker, Presciense CTO, appointed to the SEC Change Board
Presciense as Party to the Smart Energy Code (SEC) is please to announce the appointment of Dr Gerd Busker Presciense CTO to the SEC Change Board.The SEC is a multi-Party body which defines the rights and obligations of energy suppliers, network operators and other relevant parties involved i...