What will Move the Smart Home Market into Mass Adoption?
We found an interesting article on Business Insider, that gives a good picture of the smart home market in the United States. If you are not familiar with the concept, of ‘Crossing the Chasm’, it is about the different stages of the adoption of technology in new market areas. Smart home devices is one of those newer markets. There are those people that automatically adopt technology as soon as it comes out, but there are many that wait a bit until they adopt it. In order to move to that mass market, this article talks about the issues that cause barriers to that adoption.
You can read the full article here but what is particularly relevant to Presciense is this: “There are many barriers preventing mass-market smart home adoption... However, the largest barrier is the technological fragmentation of the smart home ecosystem, in which consumers need multiple networking devices, apps and more to build and run their smart home.” That is where we come in - we provide one integrated platform, through which customers can view all their smart home devices, make changes and receive notifications regarding their devices. We provide this to our utility service provider customers, so they can offer this as a competitive advantage to their customers.