Presciense Survey at Smart Home World Shows the Main Barrier to Smart Home Adoption is Awareness
Presciense attended and presented at Smart Home World last week in London, UK. We ran a survey amongst delegates of the event, that showed 62% of participants believe that the main barrier to adoption for smart home technology is awareness. The next concern is cost. This was an event attended mainly by utility providers and telco operators who wish to provide smart home solutions to their customers.

Another important statistic that came out of the survey is that 94% of attendee participants agree or strongly agree that smart home technology is very important for their business in the next 2 years.
It’s important of course to bear in mind this survey was for participants of this event, so it is clear they would be going because interested in the technology. But what this shows and was highlighted while we were at the event, is that this is definitely ramping up and high on the agenda of many of our utility providers and telco operators’ agendas.
If you would like to download the results of the full survey, please follow this link.